Thursday, October 13, 2016

Some Ideas About Flower Arrangement

  • Horizontal Flower Arrangement

A very shallow container is used to make this type of flower arrangement. It has a single big flower as the focal point and drooping flower branches are added to each side. Rose is the main flower used as the focal point in this type of flower arrangement. Horizontal flower arrangements are very low and hence are suitable for center table decorations.

  • Oval Flower Arrangement

This type of flower arrangement has the brightest and tallest flowers in the center. The color and the size of the flowers are allowed to gradually reduce by degrees towards the sides. Oval flower arrangements look formal and hence it's used mostly in formal settings.

  • Vertical Flower Arrangement

It is a very tall flower arrangement. Very tall stems of flowers and leaves like tulips, roses and carnations are used for this type of flower arrangement. Shorter fillers like forget-me-not are used to make the arrangement look balanced.

  • Minimal Flower Arrangement

This is a very popular type of flower arrangement used for indoor decoration. It uses very few flowers and concentrates more on the focal flower.